That's my blog name and it means a lot to me... actually I've spent my entire life living like that! Downs and ups coming in and going out all the time, bringing good surprises and unexpected hard times. You see... that's life and I believe you already know about that, you know rather well that life shows its face during our period on Earth!
Currently I'm having an "up" time here in Ireland although it doesn't mean I had a "down" time before it also that I'll have another "up" time after now, it only shows I'm alive! However it's up to you to chose what's next, remember?
Well... that's was the hidden meaning of this name, what first inspired me was the ukulele lessons I was giving to my flatmate Carlos. The first music I taught him was "Marylou" by Ultrage a Rigor and the sequence of the guitar beat was down down up up down. He spent plenty of time training this beat until became automatic. He's improving!
By the way, below there's a youtube link which shows me playing my ukulele.
That's it pals!
See you around!